With interest rates so low, its easy to forget how high they've been. Now may be a first home buyers best chance to get into the property market, judging by the shift in Standard Variable Rates. The Rex team have designed this infographic to highlight why its a perfect time for a buyer to start their real estate journey.Why not share the infographic below with all your potential first home buyers, or others who aren't convinced that now's a great time to buy...
Embed this infographic on your site by copying and pasting the following code!<a href="https://www.rexsoftware.com/australian-interest-rates-have-fallen-off-a-cliff"><img src="http://rex15cdn.rexsoftware.com/website/infographics/svr-infographic-v4l.png" alt="Australian interest rates have fallen off a cliff - Infographic" title="An infographic by Rex Software showing the shift in the Standard Variable Rate from January 1981 to January 2013" width="730" height="1640"></a>