Find out how your agency's CRM maturity stacks up to industry benchmarks in just 5 minutes

In this article:

Ever wondered how your real estate agency stacks up to industry benchmarks? What you’re doing well? Or what aspects of your business could be improved? 

Well, now you can find out in just five minutes. 

We’ve been hard at work creating a brand new Rex tool: CRMGrader. It’s an industry first – a quick online tool that considers all aspects of your customer relationship activity: prospecting for new business; getting listings prepared, marketed and sold; operational and financial administration support; and business monitoring, scaling and performance. 

Answer 24 multi-choice questions to find out if your agency’s approach to customer relationship management is Static, Reactive, Proactive or Innovative. When you’re done, you’ll also get personalised tips to help you improve your agency’s processes and workflows to become more efficient and effective. 

If you have questions about your results, our customer care team is here to help. Who knows, you might just discover new Rex functionality you didn’t know existed!

You’ll also receive a copy of the 2021 CRM Maturity Research Report. This report will anonymise CRMGrader responses to provide the industry with some clear benchmarks for the current performance of agencies across Australia and New Zealand. 

What are you waiting for? Get started now!

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