The simple and effective digital marketing strategy to get ahead in 2024’s real estate market

Reach Campaigns on a calendar with a sheduling date picker
In this article:

January may seem quiet in the real estate world, but from Boxing Day onwards, web, social, and portal traffic steadily grows into January and February. Combined with family and friends' visits over the holidays (inducing a touch of house envy), and the New Year's resolutions for change – there's a sizable segment of vendors looking to move right now.

Timing is everything, especially in real estate marketing. That's why we've created a simple and effective Reach strategy designed to speak directly to your local audience during this crucial period – making your agency the go-to choice for vendors gearing up for change.

The Basic Idea

Potential vendors start looking in January, figuring out what they want, start back at work, get the kids back to school, and they begin to move faster, considering who to sell with from February onwards. Our campaign strategy will run for this period, using three types of campaigns aligned to their journey, providing multiple reasons why you're the best local agent to speak to along the way.

What you need to do

You only need to set up 3 campaigns, each to run for between 2 and 3 weeks (depending on your budget), with a slight overlap so you always have something live. You'll schedule the start dates so once you're all set up, the campaigns will automatically launch, leaving you to get on with other things. Jump into Rex Reach to get started (it takes around 5 minutes per campaign) or give us a shout here if you need a hand.

Campaign 1: Inspire people with Just Solds or an Area Guide (Resource Download).

Just Solds show people that you can sell in your area, showcasing homes with the best curb appeal to inspire and demonstrate that you have the best properties. The key here is to tap into the potential vendors new year desire for something better than what they have.

An alternative is to put together a suburb guide or market overview to showcase your expertise and get buyers and sellers interested in desirable areas.

  • Duration: 2 Weeks - 12 Jauary to Jan 19
  • Budget: $250 - $400

Step 2: Show them who's the best agent in town with Testimonials.

Many agents have glowing testimonials gathering dust. It's time to put them to work with this campaign template. Your Just Sold campaign showed potential clients that you're an effective agent; now, your testimonial leverages a client saying how great the experience was—gently pushing the user down the funnel with more reasons to contact you.

  • Duration: 2 Weeks - 18 January 18 to 1 Febuary
  • Budget: $300 - $400

Step 3: Give them a reason to get in touch - Appraisal Time.

Having demonstrated expertise, showcased your ability to sell, and backed it up with testimonials, it's time to turn passive viewers into vendors with an Appraisal Campaign. This campaign type is designed to get people in touch through posing the question ‘what’s your house worth’ giving you the vital opportunity to build a strong relationship and be their go-to agent.

  • Duration: 2-3 Weeks - 31 January to 21 Febuary
  • Budget: $300 - $400.

Now is the moment.

Spend your first few days back in the office well by using this simple strategy to get marketing on your to-do list for the next 6-8 weeks. By changing the content of your campaigns (essential for showing you're active and avoiding content fatigue), and dropping the odd ‘just listed’ property in the mix too, you can effectively create a long running campaign covering 3 months and longer. The key to good marketing is consistency – try it for a couple of months and most agents will see over 100,000 impressions.

Finally the cherry on top is that Reach does 90% of the work for you – just populate the templates and on the budget screen schedule a start date. We can even do it for you if you need a hand (book a call here).

Then, you can get on with the other to-dos while Reach is quietly putting you at the front of vendors' minds this January.

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