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Increase your exposure to maximise your sales outcome

Reach the right buyers at the right time

In a market where agents and agencies are vying for attention, it is difficult to stand out. One way that you can do this with your real estate business may be through advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram! With these sites accessible from anywhere in the world via internet connection—you’ll have no problem reaching prospects effectively without paying large fees associated with traditional print.

So, what if you could get your listings seen by tens of thousands, without the overhead costs? What would that do for real estate marketing success rates! With Rex Reach (formerly Spoke) we’re able to drive measurable results – in the form of local ad views and offline conversions like inspections, open homes attended events leads...

In this ebook you will learn:

  • To maximise your sales outcome
  • Reach the right buyers
  • Budget correctly based on listing price and campaign length
Book a Reach demo today
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