Track costs and payment for your sales staff.

A real estate office software program that lets you track costs and payment for your all your sales staff.

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Marketing credits for email and SMS

Rex records and allows you to report on marketing credit usage by agent and across your agency (marketing credits can be purchased from Rex and “spent” on marketing activities including sending email newsletters and SMS messages). The CRM allows you to track spending and, if required, allocate costs back to staff.

This optional add-on is available for
Available for
Sales & Rentals CRM
 Starter plans and above.
 Professional and Enterprise plans
 Enterprise plans
It requires an additional initial setup fee and an ongoing monthly fee.
It requires an additional initial setup fee.
It requires an additional ongoing monthly fee.
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Charge listing marketing costs to vendors and agents

Rex’s VPA management system includes the capacity to issue invoices for listing marketing costs directly to the listing agent (as well as the more typical scenario of passing these costs to the vendor). This allows you to differentiate between costs payable by sellers and by agents.

Rex’s invoice management reporting allows differentiated reports for external vs. agent expenses. This makes it easy to track and follow-up costs and payments from your selling staff.

This optional add-on is available for
Available for
Sales & Rentals CRM
 Starter plans and above.
 Professional and Enterprise plans
 Enterprise plans
It requires an additional initial setup fee and an ongoing monthly fee.
It requires an additional initial setup fee.
It requires an additional ongoing monthly fee.
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Explore more Rex features

Update your database
Update your database
Anything on paper is going to get lost. Never let precious data slip through the cracks again. Add and edit listing, contact and property records on the go.
Help, Support & Training
Help, Support & Training
Help documentation and videos, training webinars and lighting fast support
Best practice follow-up in 3, 2, 1
Best practice follow-up in 3, 2, 1
Bored in a cafe? Why not tick off a bunch of reminders and let your clients know you are thinking about them. Swipe to SMS or email, choose your template, hit send and you are done.