Articles Archive

July 1, 2020
Minute Read
Before some bright spark in China invented the compass in 206 BC (the west didn’t get their version until AD 1190) navigators used the North Star to find their way home. 
June 15, 2020
Minute Read
May 28, 2020
Minute Read
On Facebook, it’s recommended that your videos are 16:9 and your images are 9:16.
May 19, 2020
Minute Read
Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, acrophobia...these are well-known fears affecting a significant portion of our population. However, there is a lesser-known phobia that’s starting to affect more people.
May 19, 2020
Minute Read
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website!
April 30, 2020
Minute Read
In modern times, software development, especially in Javascript, usually comes with a lot of tools and setup. Bundlers, compilers, testing libraries, etc. All of these need to be configured.
March 25, 2020
Minute Read
Things are moving fast in this new COVID-19 world. We want to do our bit and help you stay informed, so please bookmark this page.
March 25, 2020
Minute Read
Here are our top tips for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
March 25, 2020
Minute Read
We want to do our bit and help you stay informed, so please bookmark this page where we will be bringing together information relevant to the New Zealand property industry as it happens.
July 26, 2019
Minute Read
Would you buy new office chairs and leave them in the storeroom?
May 23, 2019
Minute Read
The more money spent on marketing, the greater the chance of finding a buyer… right?
April 2, 2019
Minute Read
Marketing in the digital age is a challenge. Potential sellers and buyers interact with your agency on their terms, where and when they want.
March 21, 2019
Minute Read
One of our developers has just torn themselves away from building new features to tell us that 0.2% of our user base is still using Windows XP or Windows Vista.
August 28, 2018
Minute Read
As big a group as the Baby Boom generation is, millennials (those members of society between the ages of 18 and 34) have finally surpassed them in the homebuyer pool.
August 14, 2018
Minute Read
How many hours a week do you spend driving? Commuting to work, zipping between open homes… it all adds up.
July 30, 2018
Minute Read
By now, you’ve definitely heard of Bitcoin. You know, the notoriously volatile digital cryptocurrency that’s been fluctuating more than the price of petrol in school holidays? It’s been getting a lot
July 16, 2018
Minute Read
Many of us manage to get to at least one conference a year, where we mingle and brush shoulders with real estate agents, business founders, developers, and thought leaders.