Spotlight integration
First thing’s first: what on earth is Spotlight?If you’ve ever pulled down on your iPhone screen, you’ll have seen a nifty little search bar appear. Well, that’s Spotlight. It’s the quickest way to search for music, apps, emails... and Rex contacts. This integration means that you can search for contacts within your database straight from any home screen page of your iOS device. And you know what that means: less taps.You should all know by now that we love reducing taps. Taps = time. And time, as they say, is money.To search for someone in your database without using Spotlight, you would:
- Open Pocket
- Tap Contacts
- Tap the contact list you wanted to search
- Type the name of the contact
It's not a particularly laborious task, but a frustrating one nonetheless. With Spotlight, you can simply pull down from anywhere between the status bar and Dock, and type in the name of the contact you’re searching for. That’s three less taps.Spotlight will display a results list. From there, simply tap on the correct contact’s name. Hey Presto! A dialog will appear. From here, you can immediately call that contact.
As the dialog is actually a deep link to your contact record in Pocket, tapping Cancel will allow you to navigate around the contact record as you would normally.
Quick Actions from 3D Touch
If you’ve got anything older than an iPhone 6s - congratulations, that is quite an impressive feat. And, as someone who has never had a phone survive past the 11 month mark, I applaud you. However, it does mean that you won’t be able to take advantage of this feature. Sorry, friends - blame Apple!If you’ve got one of Apple’s newer models, you’ll probably have noticed the 3D Touch technology. This fancy tech brings up a list of Quick Actions when you give an App icon a single, hard press. When you press on the Pocket icon from the home screen, you’ll see a list of five Quick Actions:
- Search (contacts, listings or properties)
- Open homes today
- Send sms
- Send email
- Share Pocket

These are the actions you use most throughout the day, so we thought - why not make them even more accessible? The best part is, you don’t even have to turn these integrations on. We've done it all for you. You're already able to search your entire database with a single swipe and see a list of all your agency’s open homes with one hard press. Both are simple features, sure. But they provide a seamless Pocket experience - and make you that little bit more productive and efficient. That’s why Apple created Spotlight and 3D Touch, after all. Because Pocket is a native app, it’s completely compatible with your phone’s hardware and native features. It took longer to build Pocket this way - but it means that every time the genius minds at Apple and Google improve their respective platforms, we can take full advantage to help provide an even more seamless and intuitive experience for our users.