We’ve made real estate portal uploads even easier, and added a new feature that allows you to send properties you have for both sale and lease as a single listing to realcommercial.com.au. Why? Well, obviously there are few things on god’s green earth less torturous than having to spend more money than you have to. Once, for example, I bought a Playstation from Harvey Norman only to realise post-purchase they were on special at EB Games.I can’t enjoy it – all I feel is resentment. It’s but a constant reminder of what could have been.Moving on. We don’t want to put you through the same pain. No more paying twice for two separate listings.
How it works
As per usual, you’ll need to create two separate listing records in Rex: one for the sale, another for the lease.Fill out their details as normal until the time comes to push them to the portals. Before you do, however, Rex will register that the listing you’re about to publish is almost identical to the other and ask if you’d like to link the two.Accept this kind offer, and you'll see this:

Rex will link both into the one portal upload. Now the rental price will be attached to the sale record as it goes through to realcommercial.com.au (or any other portal using the 'reaxml' standard). That’s it – you’re done. Simple.Not only does this feature save you money, but it also makes things easier for potential buyers or tenants. After all, one listing makes more sense than two.For step by step instructions on how to use this feature, you can check out the help documentation.