Tracks for the Rex app make follow-up activities a breeze

Tracks for follow-up activities

According to fancy science studies, 92% of all New Year’s Resolutions fail epicly. Those aren’t great odds. But for those of you who resolved to be more productive in 2018 - you’re part of the 8% this year, friends. Tracks are now available in Pocket. Tracks are Rex’s pre-defined lists of best practice follow-up activities. They make it incredibly easy to remember what you need to do, and when you need to do it - with only minimal thought necessary. You’ve heard us humblebrag about tracks before. We’re pretty proud of this functionality - our Rexperts tell us it saves them stacks of time and brain power. If you want to read about why we love tracks so much, have a read of Five tips to convert more leads. Or How McDonalds can help you sell more houses. Or why you're losing leads. Originally, you were only able to access tracks from Rex. When we first released Pocket, we thought it was too much functionality to fit in to your hot little hands. Well, you proved us wrong! Tracks in Pocket has been one of the most highly requested features - and your wish is our command.The quickest way to add a new track to a record is by tapping the Add action button.

Add track

You can also add new tracks (and access existing ones) from the Reminders section of any record in Pocket. Simply tap Add track, select the track you need, choose a start date and pop in some details.

Add track from reminders

Tap Add, and hey presto! You’ve just laid down a whole list of follow-up activities - texts, calls and emails, all timed to perfection.Tomorrow, Pocket will remind you to cross match buyers for Peter's property and add him to your agency's quarterly newsletter list. When it's time to send Peter some price ranges, Pocket will bring up the handy pre-written template letter for you to flick off in a few taps - and you can can rest easy knowing it’s free of typos. To view details of an active track, tap the track's name - you'll see the start and end date, number of reminders pending and completed, as well as any information you’ve added.Need to make changes to an existing track on the run, or cancel it altogether? Easy. Tap the action button, and Pocket will give you the option to reassign, reschedule or cancel the track - as well as change the related property or listing.

Cancel track

This feature release makes it that much easier to apply (and tweak) tracks - and tracks should be an integral part of every agency’s workflow. They help your agency easily maintain a consistent quality of service, generate more referral business, boost conversion rates, and maximise efficiency – all while giving managers greater oversight. If you’re looking for a way to be even more efficient on the go in 2018 - we’ve got you covered. Got any more brilliant ideas? We want to hear them! Head over to our UserVoice page and let us know what features you want to see in Rex.

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