Feature release: Chrome, CampaignTrack and more

Chrome Beta Release

Last week, Rex was quietly released into Beta on the Google Chrome web browser. This release means you can now access the Rex app in the Chrome web browser. If you do, you’ll see the below message before you go live. We’ve spent significant time testing Rex in Chrome. We believe we’ve ironed out all the wrinkles but expect one or two more to crop up over the coming months. If you notice Rex behaving in any way out of the ordinary in Chrome, please get in touch with support (via Rex or email to support@rexsoftware.com.au). We expect to remove the Beta badge in the next two months.In testing we’ve noticed that Rex feels much FASTER and more responsive in Chrome. We suggest you give it a go. To access Rex in Chrome, simply type https://app.rexsoftware.com into the Chrome address bar. If you’re not sure what Chrome is, take a look here to download.

Campaign Track integration

An important announcement for users of CampaignTrack: this week Rex launched an integration to push listing data into Campaign Track. The integration allows users of Rex and CampaignTrack to instantly push image, advertising and OFI/auction data from Rex into Campaign Track for use in your publications and print marketing collateral. For more information about activating this integration for your account, please contact support@rexsoftware.com.au. Our work with Campaign Track is the first of a number of planned integrations with third party tools we know our clients love. These integrations are driven by Rex’s investment in our comprehensive API. Watch this space.

User Experience Improvements

A variety of small but import improvements were made over the last two weeks to various areas of Rex based on user feedback.

  • Admin tags area is now alphabetically ordered
  • Tag lists of greater than 10 items can now be filtered via a text box that will appear at the top of the tags list
  • Listings financials: invoice lists now support filtering for larger lists
  • Listings financials: Reversed invoice transactions and voided invoices are now hidden by default (tick the “show voided invoices” / “show reversed transactions” checkbox to display these)
  • Marketing schedule report now allows optional inclusion of item costs / booking status. This report can now also be grouped by provider, invoice status or category.
  • Various bug fixes (you will have been notified if you originally reported one of these).

New recipient breakdown panel for newsletters

In the newsletters section, a new panel breaks down the makeup of your newsletter recipients (including unsubscribes and invalid contacts). Click "show breakdown" to the right of mailing list selection at Step 1 of newsletter setup.

As always – we welcome your feedback. Please contact us at any time via support@rexsoftware.com.au. Watch out for more updates over the next few weeks.

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