Over the last couple of months, we’ve been giving the Rex help centre a complete overhaul. And a massive one at that. We’ve put it through a transformation severe enough to be aired as an Extreme Makeover Christmas special.

In saying that – it’ll probably come as quite a shock to you next time you hop on. So rather than a baptism by fire, we thought it would be nice to give you a quick tour and fill you in on all the latest changes.
Help content
To start, we rewrote each and every article. We spent a great amount of time mopping up most of the computer babble. As result, all our articles are now written in English – not the native tongue of the developers. They’re far more streamlined, easier to read, and are packed full of step-by-step instructions and intuitive headings so you should have no problem quickly and easily finding what you need.And while we were at it, we thought we’d write another few hundred articles to deal with some more of the nitty-gritty.This should significantly reduce turnaround for any issues you might have. We’ve halved the time it should take for you to find, read and understand the appropriate help document.
We’ve embedded the video tutorials into the content – rather than linking out to them as before – which means you can read the instructions while watching the video without being redirected.

If this isn’t your thing, you can also now watch the videos in full screen. That’s a proper IMAX experience, right there.
Better layout
Perhaps the biggest change we’ve made to the help centre is the new navigation and grouping functionality.On the left hand side you can see our new content tree. This allows you to drill down and find what you’re after from here by expanding each module with a click. Alternatively, you can simply type a query or topic into the search bar. You’ll be provided with a dropdown with any matching content, though hitting enter directs you to a full search.
Contacting support
If you still need to contact our support team, we’ve made that even easier for you too. As well as support by email or from within Rex, you now now have a third option: the blue support tab within the help centre.

Simply click the tab and give us some details about your issue. This goes straight through to support who will then respond to you within our normal timeframe.
Accessing the new help centre
There was no protracted goodbye for the dowdy old help centre. It served its purpose – but we’re not going to draw out the farewell by waving wet-eyed until it’s merely a dot in the distance. It’s out with the old and in with the new.As of last Friday, the new Rex help centre has been in action. As per usual, you can access it from within Rex by clicking on the ‘?’ mark and then Help Centre.You’ll notice the new welcome page, which provides you with getting started information and introductions to each topic.Alongside our weekly webinars, this is a great starting point for all new Rex users.
Constant development
We've been working on this for months, and we've probably already put in upwards of 600 hours into writing, organising and polishing - so we didn't want to have you wait much longer for it. As such - we've released it with only a little more content than the old help centre had. Rest assured - we're not finished with it yet.You’ll continue to see additional content over the coming months.We'll be keeping you up-to-date on these changes in our updates section. We'll list any new articles, or significant changes to existing articles there.
One last thing you might notice about the new help centre is the survey system.You’ll see this peppered throughout all the content:

This is different to the support tab – it’s a survey tool to help us out with some feedback.We love feedback from our clients – it’s what allows us to better Rex for everybody – and we’d love it if you could let us know how we’re doing as often as possible. We'll be making plenty of changes to the Help Centre in future, and these changes will be based on the response we receive from you. So, if something isn’t as helpful as you’d like it to be – let us know and we’ll get right on it.To finish up – here’s a quick tour of the new help centre to get you started. Godspeed, Rexperts.