Feature spotlight: real estate news feed and social media sharing

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This blog will show you how to use your News Feed in Rex to keep you and your team up to date with the latest industry news and show off your expertise by sharing news via your social media channels.

The Real Estate News Feed

The News Feed in the dashboard allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds from news and content providers of your choice.  This will ensure you are always getting the most up to date news about the real estate industry, straight into your Rex Dashboard, every day!So what’s an RSS feed? RSS stands for “Rich Site Summary” but is commonly referred to as “Really Simple Syndication”.   Still lost? See the orange icon below? That’s the RSS feed icon. Most websites that push out articles or blogs will have this icon on their website somewhere (usually in orange as below, but sometimes styled in colours to match the website’s own colour scheme).Anywhere you see the RSS feed icon is a free feed of information you can take from that website and put into an RSS aggregator.  Rex acts as an RSS aggregator, which means you’re able to have news headlines from any source you want in your Real Estate News Feed on your Rex Dashboard!

Having the latest news headlines coming directly to you means you don’t have to go to a handful of different websites every day – hook up their RSS feeds in Rex and the headlines will roll on in whenever the sites you’ve subscribed to add new content!

Social Media Sharing

Even better than Rex’s ability to keep you updated with all the latest news, is the ability to very quickly and easily share these articles straight out of your Rex Dashboard to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

Sharing these kinds of articles onto your social media is order of magnitude better than sharing all of your listings and sales onto social media because you’ll be adding value for your fans and followers (a post from our “social media in real estate” series).    I’ll reiterate some key points from that blog here:Posting listings and sales data equates to advertising – and when you do this on social media, it tends to annoy people, which is not the reaction you want.  Articles that are interesting and add value your social connections will drive engagement (likes, comments, shares, retweets etc.).  More engagement with good content will have a snowball effect on your social efforts.

The SEO Benefit

Even more important to the positive effect on your social growth, is the benefit social media has on your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

In the simplest of terms, SEO is the process of making a website rank better in search engine results (on Google and other search engines). Keywords and inbound links, long the stalwart factors in making your website rank well in Google are no longer the only factors affecting your ranking in search engine results. Social media now has a significant impact on the way your website will rank in Google.So here’s the thing – a lot of real estate agency’s don’t care so much about their social media because they think it’s a fad. It’s been around long enough for people to stop calling it a fad and start realising it is a new, effective, and in most cases, a free way to engage with your clients.No matter how many Principals, Licensees and office Directors I speak to – whilst they may not care so much about their social media, they all care about how their website ranks in Google when someone searches for “real estate agent suburb-I-sell-in-goes-here”.Using the Real Estate News Feed with Social Media Sharing in Rex, you have a quick, easy and effective way of sharing useful information to your social media that helps to drive social engagement, social growth and will have a positive effect on how your website ranks in Google.What are some good RSS feeds that you’re using in your Rex Real Estate News Feed?

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