Think no one reads your 'About Us' page? You might want to think again… 52% of people say it’s the very first page they navigate to. That’s a lot of eyeballs.
For sellers, it’s essentially a teaser for the level of professionalism in store if they choose to list with your agency – so things like spelling errors and poor grammar are obviously big no-no’s. As is writing a thousand word David-and-Goliath-esque essay comprising all your agency’s challenges and triumphs. These are pretty obvious issues, but some are a bit more disguised.
Never fear! We’re here to help you craft an about us page that steers homeowners in the right direction (i.e. right towards that little Request an Appraisal button).
Here are the steps you’ll need to take:
1. Add a sprinkle of personality
There are countless ways to show your personality through your about us page. There aren’t any hard set rules on how it’s structured, so you’ve got some freedom to get creative!
What’s the common thread that connects the agents at your agency? Think about what you look for when recruiting. Is it passion? Is it knowledge? People hire people – and people are drawn together by shared visions and passions.
Describe the customers you serve, and the values you hold as a team. Not only does this give agents a set of values to uphold, but it also helps potential customers see what you’re all about.
Take ours, for example. We’re a young team of tech-heads (is that a thing? It is now), and we’ve written our about us in the same way we’d speak in person – friendly and a little bit nerdy. But we’re also confident that our product solves a very real problem for real estate agents – and this comes through, too. We value simplicity, constant improvement and – above all – your time, so we’ve highlighted those things in our about us.
Flying solo? This is a great opportunity to talk about your personal transformation into a real estate agent, or perhaps give some insight into what you do for your community.
But personality doesn’t just come through in the words you use – the format can say a lot about you, too. For example, a Q & A style page shows potential sellers that you’re direct and to the point – and it’s also a good way to segue into the fun stuff, by asking things like “What did you want to be when you were a kid?”.
You can use any style you like, so long as it’s authentic to you.
2. Choose your voice
Before you begin, decide if you’re writing as yourself, as your agency, or as if someone else is writing about you – and keep it consistent.
We use first person when talking about ourselves, second when speaking directly to the reader, and third when we want it to sound like someone else is talking about us.
If you’re not sure which POV you’re using, check your writing for these identifiers:
- First: “I, We, Our”
- Second: “You”
- Third: “He, She, It, They”
The style you’re going for will probably influence which POV you use – but is one better than another?
First person is where you write about yourself. You can establish a clear voice for your brand and build trust – it sounds like it’s come straight from you. For example, “We have been in the real estate business for 14 years”.
Second person involves the reader in the conversation – it’s as if you’re speaking straight to them. It’s great for providing a call to action. For example, “You can call us now for a free appraisal”.
Third person can imply expertise and experience – you’re writing as if someone else is talking about you. It conveys professionalism but can be a tad impersonal. For example, “The Agency has been in the real estate business for 14 years”.
It’s down to personal preference which POV you choose, but as a general rule of thumb:
- first person is more comfortable to write in because it’s the way we speak. It’s especially good for sole traders.
- second person is best left for your calls to action.
- third person is better suited to websites with multiple agent profiles.
Whichever you decide to use, stick with it! It can be super confusing for the reader if you switch POVs.
3. Leave the novels to Charles Dickens
The average website visitor spends less than a minute on a web page, so it’s important to keep your about us short and sweet. If a visitor doesn’t get the information they’re looking for within that time, they’ll probably click away – without learning what makes you so great!
The short part is easy to understand. Don’t use any extra words. Cut the fluff.
But you’ve also got to make it sweet, and an excellent way to do that is with a story.
People love stories. Good storytelling can increase your conversion rate by up to four times. Stories help visitors understand your personal journey and create a deeper sense of connection – but don’t get too carried away. Keep it relevant.
Think about the story of your agency. Why did you start it in the first place? Maybe you realised you loved working with people during your stint in customer service, or were unsatisfied watching the clock tick by at your desk job. That’s the kind of stuff people want to know.
4. Be careful of overselling yourself
Your about us is essentially an elevator pitch.
To mention your proudest achievements is one thing, but what a client truly cares about is how your agents will handle the transaction and act as an advocate for them throughout their selling process. Your aim should be to gain their trust, and excite them about the process of selling their home.
Instead of: We’re the best salespeople you’ll find, don’t bother looking elsewhere.
Use: The skills that we have in sales and negotiation, combined with an array of experience in marketing and advertising allows us to consistently achieve excellent results for our clients.
Whatever you do, don’t make claims without backing them up. Instead, incorporate your skills and achievements to show clients that you’re able to guide them through the sales process.
Bonus points if you infuse social proof into your about us page. When people are faced with an uncertain situation (eg. choosing who to trust with the most significant transaction of their life), they look to others for advice. Social proof works because someone else is doing the selling for you. Plus, it’s more believable.
5. Use results driven, persuasive terms
Persuasive writing is an art – but don’t stress! It can be learned.
Here are some tips to get you started:
- Use details
This will make your about us more memorable – and believable. Instead of: “I have sold too many properties to count, and I sell them quickly too”Use: “We achieved the suburb record for a home in New Farm at 2.5 million, after only 14 days on the market.”
- Choose your words wisely
Words have the power to change human behaviour. Use the right ones, and you can convince sellers to choose you as their agent.
Words like “proven” and “results” work as they display cause and effect – they make you seem objective and rational. People seek the unexpected, so words like “remarkable” and “astonishing” will grab their attention.
Another powerful tactic is to use words that denote little effort for the buyer, such as “quick”, “easy”, and “immediately” – but the single most persuasive word is “you”.
Sure, they’ll be interested in all the experiences that have led you to this point – but what they really want to know is what you can do to benefit them. Real estate is a service industry, after all.
- Show your website visitors a glimpse of the outcome you can achieve for them
Talk about current trends in the property market and examples of how you have achieved the best price for clients in the past.
It’s a strategy built on credibility. If you can back up your skills with credentials and show a grasp of the subject matter, you’re off to a good start.
First, identify the problem. Then, agitate their pain (in the kindest way possible) – before offering the solution to all their woes. This shows you understand what your clients are going through, and have the skills to help them through it.
6. Keep it a no selfie zone
Keep the headshots for your agent profiles – your about us should help your website visitors get a better idea for the feel of your brand. A friendly team shot makes a great focal point. Beautiful office shots and pictures of your agents out and about at community events can also work well.
A quick word of advice: if you choose to go down the avenue of a big group photo, remember that naturally people may come and go from your team over time – which will require your photo to be updated more often.
To get the winning snap:
- your agents need to be presented professionally
- smile! People who look happier in photos are considered more trustworthy
- avoid flashy jewellery or busy patterns – it can be distracting
7. Edit, and then edit again
The number one thing that customers say damages their image of a brand is poor spelling. In fact, a whopping 59% of people say that they wouldn’t use a website that had spelling mistakes on their marketing material or website. Don’t be part of the statistic! You’ve put a lot of effort into your about us, you don’t want a few simple errors to undo all that hard work.
Read it aloud, and then – when you think it’s perfect – read it again. Microsoft Word won’t pick up all of your errors, so it’s a good idea to get another pair of eyes on the job and make sure you haven’t missed anything.
A well crafted about us could be what sets you apart from other agents, and help you to win the listing.
Once they know who you are, they’ll like you. Once they like you, they’ll learn to trust you. Once they trust you, they’ll give you their business. It’s simple, really.