A guide to social media for real estate marketing

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If you haven't noticed yet, social media is a big deal—and it should be on your radar; it’s a powerful tool for building relationships, which is super important in getting you and your brand in front of potential buyers and sellers and keeping your competitive edge in real estate.

If you haven't taken a look at your social media presence lately, now's the time. Your Facebook page and other social profiles are like your own slice of online real estate, so make sure you're treating them right. Let’s dive into how social media marketing can elevate your real estate game.

Benefits of social media marketing for real estate

Social media has become an essential tool for real estate professionals looking to connect with buyers and sellers. It’s not just a place to share listings; it’s a powerful way to expand your reach, build relationships, and grow your real estate business. Here are some key benefits of using social media for your real estate marketing:

  • Broaden your reach: Social media gives you the chance to reach a wide audience quickly. Think of it like the Super Bowl ads—going viral can have a huge impact. Platforms like Facebook are incredibly effective, reaching millions in less time than traditional media ever could.
  • Target the right people: Social media isn’t just for sharing posts. You can run highly targeted ads to reach people searching for real estate services, making your marketing much more focused and effective than old-school methods like bus stop ads.
  • Amplify your brand: Social networks are great for word-of-mouth marketing. People trust recommendations from friends and peers more than traditional ads, so getting positive testimonials on your pages can be pure gold.
  • Build a community: Social media allows you to share content instantly with a wide audience. If the content is engaging, it can spread quickly, helping to build trust and brand recognition. Sharing useful, high-quality information instead of just property listings will make you a go-to resource for potential buyers and sellers.
  • Measure your success: Social media marketing is super measurable. Most platforms have built-in tools that let you track things like likes, shares, clicks, and even how many people turn into customers. This data helps you see what’s working, what’s not, and how to make your marketing better.

Do you need a strategy for social media marketing?

Before diving in, you need to have a solid strategy in place. The industry has shifted from print ads to being driven by online inquiries, so keeping up with trends is essential. Just creating a Facebook account and posting new listings isn’t enough—it’s not going to help you sell homes and could even hurt your brand.

Without a strategy, you’re likely to waste time and miss out on potential clients. Posting random or irrelevant content can annoy followers, and irregular posting makes your brand look unreliable. So, instead of just winging it, take time to plan out how you want to use social media effectively to grow your real estate business.

Four key areas to focus on with your social media strategy

1. Set your goals and objectives

What do you want to achieve? It could be getting new clients, staying in touch with your contacts, getting referrals, or engaging with the local community. Focus on one or two goals to start, and expand once you're comfortable with social media.

When creating your social media strategy, your goals should align with what your agency wants to achieve. It doesn’t help to just aim for “1,000 followers on Facebook” if it doesn’t contribute to your business growth.

So, why is it important to define your social media objectives? First, clear goals help outline the steps you need to take in your strategy. Second, they act like a motivational carrot that keeps you focused, especially when things get tough or boring. Social media requires persistence, and knowing your objectives will guide you through the hard work.

Let’s break down what your goals might be as a real estate agent or agency. You might want to:

  • Get more appraisals
  • Secure more listings
  • Drive inquiries for your listings
  • Gain more referrals
  • Hire new staff
  • Keep an eye on the competition

In today’s information overload, even great agents can get lost in the noise. But with social media, you can amplify your brand message and stand out. Think about big brands like Ford and Coca-Cola—they invest heavily in social media to build their presence. Just like them, for real estate agents, stronger brand awareness means more appraisals, listings, sales, and ultimately, more money.

2. Add value for your customers

If you’ve been following along, you probably know that one of the biggest mistakes real estate agents make on social media is just blasting out their listings. That kind of approach might work in print ads, but social media is all about conversation and building relationships, especially in real estate.

Think of social media as a way to connect with your audience. People want to interact with you and find value in what you share. So, how can you add value to your followers on social media? Here are four simple steps:

Step 1: Know your audience

Knowing your audience helps you create content that speaks directly to the right people. If you know who you’re trying to reach—whether it’s first-time homebuyers, investors, or families looking to upsize—you can tailor your posts to their needs and interests. This makes your marketing way more effective, saving you time and money. Plus, understanding your audience helps you figure out which platforms they’re on, so you’re not wasting effort in the wrong places.

Step 2: Find your style

Next, think about how you want to share content. There are three styles:

  • Listeners who mostly share content from others.
  • Writers who create their own blogs and articles.
  • Combination folks who do both.

You might want to mix sharing others’ content with writing your own. This way, you show that you’re knowledgeable and engaged with the real estate community.

Step 3: Share relevant content

Whichever style you choose, make sure the content is useful and interesting for your audience. This accomplishes three important things:

  • Adds value: When you share useful information, you enrich the conversation and build your brand.
  • Establishes trust: By sharing valuable content and avoiding constant selling, you become a trusted advisor in your area.
  • Makes you authentic: If your content isn’t relevant, people will tune out. Trust takes time to build, but it’s hard to earn if what you share isn’t meaningful.

By focusing on these steps, you’ll create a valuable presence on social media that helps you connect with clients and grow your real estate brand.

Step 4: Start conversations

Building a relationship takes time, and social media is no different. Just like you wouldn’t instantly become best friends with a stranger, you can’t expect to gain trust and loyalty overnight. The key is to consistently engage with your followers. Many businesses forget that social media is meant to be social—it’s not just about broadcasting your message. If you want people to comment, like, or share your posts, you have to show up in their world, too. That means replying to their comments, asking questions, and genuinely interacting with them. When you take the time to connect with people, they’re more likely to support you in return. It’s a give-and-take. On social media, the more you invest in building relationships, the more you’ll see in terms of engagement and loyalty.

3. Stay on top of changes

Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and these changes can significantly impact how you connect with clients and promote your listings. Here’s why it’s important to keep an eye on the latest updates:

  • Engagement strategies: Different platforms frequently adjust their algorithms, affecting how your posts are seen by followers. Understanding these changes can help you refine your engagement strategies, ensuring your content reaches more people and sparks meaningful interactions.
  • Maximise reach: New features or tools are often introduced, such as stories, live videos, or ad formats. By adopting these tools early on, you can stand out in a crowded market and capture the attention of potential clients.
  • Brand reputation: Social media is all about building relationships. Staying informed helps you avoid missteps that could harm your brand reputation. For instance, understanding privacy changes or community guidelines ensures you engage respectfully and authentically with your audience.
  • Competitor awareness: Knowing what’s trending on social media allows you to keep an eye on your competitors. By observing their strategies, you can identify what works and adapt those insights to strengthen your own approach.
  • Audience insights: Platforms frequently update their analytics tools, providing better insights into audience behaviour and preferences. Staying on top of these changes allows you to tailor your content to meet the needs of your audience better, enhancing your effectiveness.

Keeping up with social media changes isn’t just a good practice; it’s essential for real estate businesses that want to thrive in a digital-first environment. By staying informed, you position yourself to maximise your impact and strengthen your connections with clients.

4. Focus on channels that get you results

You don’t have to be on every single social media platform—that would take way too much time. Instead, zero in on the networks that actually bring you results. Typically, that means focusing on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X formerly Twitter, and LinkedIn. Who knows, maybe a year from now, a new platform will be all the rage while Facebook fades into the background like MySpace did.

In addition, it’s important to understand who uses social media in your area. For example, if you run a real estate agency in the city, your clients are more likely to be on professional platforms like LinkedIn. In contrast, if you’re in a suburban or rural area, Facebook might be where most of your potential clients hang out. Take some time to research the social demographics in your target region. Figure out which platforms people are using and focus your efforts there. Regularly checking in on these demographics will help ensure you’re always targeting the right social networks.

By concentrating your efforts on the platforms that work for you, you’ll be using your time wisely and making real progress with your social media strategy. 

Five common pitfalls when using social media for real estate marketing

A quick search online will show you countless articles and tips. You might be thinking, “What’s new?” But even with all this info out there, real estate agencies still stumble when it comes to social media. Let’s dive into some common pitfalls that can hurt your online presence—and don’t worry, we’ve got some solutions!

Pitfall 1: Using a personal page for your business

One big mistake is using a personal profile instead of a business page. It’s crucial for your agency to have a business page. We’ve noticed that many agencies in Australia either don’t have a business page or are using personal profiles. If you’re on a personal profile, you miss out on important interactions and insights available exclusively to business entities. For example, on Facebook, people can’t “like” your business if it’s buried in their friends list. So, keep it simple: if you’re a business, let it be known you’re a business.

Pitfall 2: Overlooking your personal profile’s impact

Yes, your personal profile still matters. Your customers will check it out, so unless it's your brand think twice before posting those wild party photos or controversial takes on topical subjects. Instead, create a separate business page for your professional image. This way, people can connect with you on a professional level without seeing your weekend escapades.

Pitfall 3: Ignoring promotion rules

A lot of businesses still break the rules on social media, like asking people to “like” or “share” posts to win prizes on Facebook. That’s a big no-no! If you want to run a promotion, it’s better to use an app or a separate page to collect entries. Just be clear with participants that you’re gathering their data for your business and that you’re not linked to the social network. Remember, breaking the rules can get your page shut down, and you could lose all your hard work!

Pitfall 4: Not engaging with your audience

Don’t just post and wait for likes—interact with your audience. Social media is meant to be social, so engage with your customers and stakeholders. When you reply to comments, answer questions, and engage with messages, it shows you care about your followers. This makes them feel more connected to your brand, which can lead to more loyalty and referrals. Plus, posts with lots of interaction usually get more visibility since social media algorithms like that. Overall, it creates a strong community around your brand.

Pitfall 5: Not promoting your posts

Promoting your posts on social media is a smart move because it helps you reach a bigger audience. Some agencies might hesitate, but after all the hard work you put into your content, you definitely want it to be seen. A little investment can really pay off by boosting your reach and getting more engagement. Just keep in mind that there are limitations to boosted posts, so it’s good to know those before you decide how much to invest in this activity.

Top 10 real estate marketing ideas for your social media

Not sure what to post first on social media? Here are 10 great ideas you can try!

  1. Listings and open homes: Share your property listings and open house events. Post stunning photos and videos with details that grab attention. Make sure to include the time and date for open houses to encourage visits.
  2. Video walkthroughs: Create engaging video walkthroughs of your properties. This gives potential buyers a real feel for the space, helping them imagine themselves living there. Plus, videos are super shareable because they’re easy to digest.
  3. Your clients’ testimonials: Happy clients are your best advertisement. Share their testimonials on your social media accounts. A quick quote or a short video of a satisfied homeowner can build trust and attract new clients.
  4. Buyer’s tips: Offer helpful tips for homebuyers. Whether it’s advice on securing a mortgage or what to look for during a home inspection, sharing useful info positions you as a knowledgeable resource, not only for buyers but also potential sellers.
  5. Market news: Keep your audience updated on local real estate market trends. Share statistics, changes in prices, or news that impacts buyers and sellers. This shows you’re on top of the game and helps people make informed decisions.
  6. Community events: Highlight local events happening in your area, like fairs, festivals, or charity runs. This not only showcases the community but also showcases you as someone who’s invested in the neighbourhood.
  7. Success stories: Celebrate your wins by sharing success stories. Whether it’s closing a tough sale or helping a family find their dream home, these stories resonate with potential clients and show your dedication.
  8. Employee spotlights: Introduce your team on social media. Share fun facts and stories about your staff. This adds a personal touch and helps potential clients connect with your agency on a personal level.
  9. Local partnerships: Team up with local businesses for cross-promotions. Whether it’s a café or a home goods store, showcasing partnerships can help both of you reach new audiences and strengthen community ties.
  10. Competitions: Run fun competitions or giveaways related to real estate. It could be something simple, like a gift card to a local business or a home décor item. Competitions encourage engagement and can boost your follower count – just remember to avoid Pitfall #3.

Many agencies are doing great things on social media. They’re sharing original content, generating likes, and personalising their brands; and you should follow suit. Remember, real estate is all about building relationships, and agencies that showcase their human side online are winning hearts.

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