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Getting prospects through sales listings

Using Rex Reach (formerly Spoke) to grow your real estate business

We all know that marketing is a cornerstone of any agency. It's the never-ending effort to find new properties for sale, but what if things were different? What would happen then? When you consider how fast today’s world moves and how tightly packed our schedules already are with work as it stands – finding time just isn't possible anymore! It used to be enough only having your logo splashed across some boards out front somewhere; now everyone needs an online presence too (and let me tell ya—those websites cost money!). This guide looks at how to maximise the output of your digital marketing efforts for real estate agencies, if that sounds like something interesting or exciting up your alley then download away.

In this ebook you will learn:

  • Why you should use digital ads for listings and business generation
  • How Rex Reach (formerly Spoke) supercharges your real estate prospect efforts through vendor paid ads
  • And how to put it into practice
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