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AI Email & SMS Generation

Tailor your customer comms in seconds

Generate ready-to-send customised messages that maintain a personal touch, appropriate for all stages of the customer buying or selling journey.

This optional add-on is available for
Available for
Sales & Rentals CRM
 Starter plans and above.
 Professional and Enterprise plans
 Enterprise plans
It requires an additional initial setup fee and an ongoing monthly fee.
It requires an additional initial setup fee.
It requires an additional ongoing monthly fee.

Compose personalised emails in a few clicks

Reduce the time crafting emails for across the buying or selling journey. With the Smart Email composer you can instantly generate messages based on known data (listings, buyer match profiles & contacts) in a few clicks.

For Admins

For Agents


Generate emails in a flash with Rex AI

Send your contacts personalised SMS in moments

Instantly generate tailored messages based on the context of the customer in the buying and selling process.




Instantly generate SMS with Rex AI
See AI Email & SMS Generation in action. Request a demo from our team today!
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