As an agent, open homes are your time to shine, and you’re looking to wow any potential clients. Not just with the property – but by how much of a tech-leveraging aficionado you are. It seems you all agree - we’ve had a tonne of requests for an iPad open home register in user voice. It was a wildly popular suggestion, and we were in the planning stages of developing an app until we found Homepass.
Homepass is a new free application that streamlines open homes and private inspections for you and your clients. It’s half iPad register, half feedback application, and opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Rex. We’ve been impressed with the quality of the product, and likewise plenty of our users have shown a lot of enthusiasm as early adopters. We’re pleased to be announcing our integration with Homepass.
Homepass allows agents to:
Register visitors on a mobile
As you know, for security and follow up, visitors to an open home need to add their details into a register. That hasn’t changed. The difference is that now your register isn’t a yellow legal notepad – it’s a nifty mobile or tablet app. Either you or the visitor adds their details in, and the data is saved for future reference. It’s a better experience for your clients, and you no longer need to spend entire afternoons trying to decipher handwriting that might as well be from ancient Egypt. And as if this wasn’t streamlined enough – Homepass also offers a free consumer app for homebuyers to download. When a visitor using the app arrives, they can check in automatically, and all their data is sent directly to your register. This allows prospective buyers to simply waltz through the doors – almost like it’s already their home – so they can beat the queue of people waiting to have their details recorded.
View a client profile
Homepass allows you to view client profiles on the fly. Load yourself up with conversation ammunition before getting to talk to someone, and you’ll know exactly how to sell the property specifically to them.
Send documents
You can send documents straight to your clients’ phones through the application. This could be anything really; brochures, building inspection details, sales contracts – whatever your client needs. This means you can quickly and easily send potential buyers home with important information in a format you know isn’t going to get lost.
Take notes
You can take notes on clients to record interest, differentiate between hot and cold leads, or basically anything that you deem important. This means you can tailor your follow-ups to suit the different interest levels of potential buyers.More information on the application can be found on Homepass’ website.
How does the integration work?
We’ve built the integration as a two-way sync - we send data to Homepass, they send data back to us. We work together to make everything even easier than ever.Now Rex can;
- Send Homepass listing data in order to automatically generate events
- Register open home and private inspection attendance for contacts
- Create new contact records from the information you receive from open home visitors
- Update existing contacts with any new data received from their Homepass accounts
- Add any notes you have added in Homepass against your contact records
It’s pretty cool really – let me run you through the process:
- You have an inspection or open home coming up – so its time to get prepared. You simply head to the Listing Record and publish it to Homepass – just like you would for any other portal. Rex sends the listing data to Homepass so you don’t have to put it all in manually. Already you’ve saved plenty of time.
- You arrive at the open home and fire up the app on your mobile or tablet. As people arrive, you hand them the iPad to log their details, while watching others walk through the doors as you, or they themselves, register their attendance with the tap of a button and a friendly, knowing nod.
- Their contact data is sent to Rex, and stored in your database – alongside a record of their attendance. Contacts that aren’t already in your database are created for you, and contacts who are in your database but have provided different information have their new details added.
- You notice a couple that seem particularly interested, so you jot down a note on your phone; “Dick and Jane loved the fireplace – hot lead.”
- You head back to the office to find everything already in Rex like magic; contacts, attendances, notes – the works. Perhaps you’ll add a track to Jane, and follow her up in a few days?
One last thing worth mentioning is that Homepass supports offline access. This means agents working in rural areas with limited or no Internet can still make full use of the app and this integration. Once you’re back at the office, or some other wi-fi oasis, Homepass will sync with Rex and you’ll see all the new data added into the CRM within a minute or two. Rex and Homepass work in tandem to provide a far more streamlined open home experience – both in the field and the office.
Setting it up
There are two applications; one for agents, one for potential buyers. They work on both iOS and Android. You’ll need to download the agent app ‘360’ and subscribe. It’s easy to get on board. You can sign up here. Once you’re subscribed, simply head to the integrations module in Rex. You’ll see Homepass is now an available integration. Simply click activate, add your Homepass account ID (which you can contact Homepass for) and it’s all smooth sailing from there. If you have any issues – don’t hesitate to contact support at support@rexsoftware.com.au
Help documentation
For information on the Homepass application visit the Homepass website. For a little more added information on how the integration works, check out these help documents in the help centre: