Feature release: audit log, search rewrite and buyer/tenant match profile search improvements

We're on a bit of a roll with Rex updates this month.This week's release is large. So large, we've decided to break the release blogs up into three posts. Post 1 (this post): Audit log, search rewrite and buyer/tenant match profile search improvements Post 2: Updates to our custom brochure builder and out-of-the-box website redirection for listing marketing.

Vendor feedback report changes, new feedback type for enquiries and 20 other minor updates / improvements. Audit Events with Record Change LogWe know that data quality and security is a really big topic with our clients. You invest plenty of time and money into the data you enter in Rex and you want to make sure your investment is secure.Rex now tracks any significant activity (data changes, deletions, publication etc) on property, contact and listing records. You're able to access the tracked activities in a new record change log from the bottom of the right bar in any record view.

Search Rewrite

This feature might seem a little arcane to those of you that aren't "power users" in Rex. Still, we thought it was important to tell you about it. Rex has some fairly important areas that leverage our list views. Some of you may have noticed that when you navigated to a list view from another area - say: Show all contacts that attended an open home or Show all contacts that opened an email Rex would work fine, except that when you tried to sort or filter that subset of, say, contacts, Rex would clear the sub-set and apply the filter / sort to the whole list. Instead of ordering all contacts that had attended an open home, you would be ordering "all contacts" full stop. Although this wasn't a broken behaviour, it wasn't particularly intuitive. The rewrite of Rex's search functionality now creates a data "sub-set" which is indicated in the title bar of the list view. While a subset is applied to a list, you can now sort / filter as required.

The search rewrite has also introduced the ability to page between pages of records, and to display 10,20,50 or 100 records per page in list view.

Buyer/tenant match criteria filters

Rex now allows you to search across match profiles associated with contacts in your contacts database. This allows you to match your buyers and sellers against every criteria available in their match profile. We know this particular feature has been on client wish-lists for a few months now and are very excited to deliver it. Post 2: Brochure changes and custom website redirects

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