The last release was an absolute mammoth. The meter was well on its way to hitting a critical level of information overload, so I saved these last few bonus features for a separate post.It’s a bite-sized release - more of a ‘release-ette’ - but these two ‘small’ features have been requested by multiple Rexperts over the last few months, and we’re happy to say we’ve made a few dreams come true.Anyway, forthwith to the features.
Trust totals at a glance
We’ve added a ‘Total’ bar along the top of your Trust Accounting tab to quickly show a brief account summary.
At a glance, you can see the total funds, and total funds requested. (Obviously the goal is to get these numbers to eventually match). For the ultimate ‘at a glance’ experience, when requests fall overdue, the soothing lemon yellow will change to a less-than-soothing red to remind you to follow up the client straight away.
Rex remembers a user’s last selected account
For agencies with more than one trust account, Rex now remembers the last account used on a listing on a per user basis.If your agency deals with multiple accounts, this minimises the risk of you accidently applying a payment or receipting funds into the wrong account (for example; if separate staff are sending requests for sales deposits and VPA that need to be paid into different accounts).