In order to give you complete control over the capabilities of your users within the system, Rex’s fine-grained permissions system works with three basic principles: Privileges define the capacity of a user to read or write records across the system.
Permission groups help Rex users share their rights on records with other users. This functionality simplifies your agency security and removes the burden of ensuring large numbers of staff have access to the right parts of the software by allowing you to set permissions en mass, without having to individually set privileges and permissions for each user.
Rex’s permissions system is infinitely customisable. While you can use the ‘Basic Mode’ straight out of the box and simply apply the default user roles and office type – you can switch to ‘Advanced Mode’ at any time to perfectly tailor your permissions to suit your agency. This can be done down to the individual user and record level.
Many real estate agencies have quite complex office structures, which is why we have included 180 different privileges in the CRM. Agency’s can fine-tune these into their own specific sets, to mould Rex perfectly around their office.
Rex comes with three default settings. These are designed to cover the vast majority of estate agencies:
Open office: designed to suit agencies that share all their valuation, listing, contact and other information between staff. All staff members have read and write privileges for the agency’s entire record database.
Closed office: designed to suit agencies where information is not usually shared between staff. User only have access to read or edit their own records.
Hybrid office: designed to suit agencies that fall somewhere in-between. Staff can view all information, but can only edit records if they have the appropriate privileges
Of course, once you have decided upon your default, Rex’s privilege sets can be customised. You can perfectly tailor them down to any individual user’s rights on any individual record to suit your agency’s own unique way of doing business.