A lot of the information you need to add to your Vendor Reports isn’t what happens at an inspection - it’s all the behind-the-scenes, back-and-forth phone calls and potential buyer feedback that follows. Before this release, adding notes to a listing record was the only way to record our follow up activity. But because notes are intended for office communications and other information that isn’t suitable for sellers to see, we couldn’t include them in your Vendor Reports. Enter the follow-up feedback entry.

This new feedback type lets you quickly jot down any comments a potential buyer may have down the road. In much the same way as a humble potato can be mashed, boiled, baked or fried – it’s an extremely versatile way of recording any feedback from a potential buyer outside of an inspection; phone calls, emails, SMSs or even face-to-face meetings. Once saved, you’ll be able to see your new feedback in three locations:
- The relevant contact record
- The relevant listing record and, if you’ve approved it for reporting…
- Your next vendor report
That’s right. Finally, you can include follow up feedback in your vendor reports under “follow up”. Instead of muddling data with invalid private inspections your sellers will be able to see the follow up work you’ve done and updates on a buyer’s interest over time. This release adds transparency for the vendor, saves time for you, and helps you build a richer and better organised database.More recent feedback updates: