Feature release: vendor reports now include Agent Activity

Agent activity on vendor reports

You might call your sellers every day, meet them face-to-face weekly, and be a damn good communicator of the progress of their sale – but a printed report is the very necessary icing on that cake of service. There’s nothing like a hard copy. We’ve been making a lot of changes to your feedback reports recently, and you’ll see more updates coming out over the coming weeks. This first improvement initially started off (as many of our best features are) as a feature request in user voice:

Add notes and activities to vendor reports

We loved the suggestion. Thanks, Amy!Before our latest release, our vendor reports did a fair job of documenting feedback and interest from buyers but they they didn’t do a very good job of showing off the hard work of the agent. Without background it’s understandably difficult for sellers to appreciate hard work that goes into generating that interest in the first place. So how do we go about using the data we have in Rex to demonstrate the hard work you’re doing in the background? We weren’t sure that showing your notes would be the best way to go. Notes are designed for internal office communications (comments about the listing, vendor, contract and the follow up you're doing), so they aren’t always suitable for the vendor to see. All the same, there are certainly other things we can use to show how busy you’ve been, such as:

  • The number of phone calls you’ve made,
  • the number of emails you’ve sent,
  • the number of SMS’s that have gone out, and
  • the number of reminders you’ve completed in Rex in pursuit of the sale.

After some discussion in the feature request comments section, we decided this was the best way to go. As of this release you can choose to include the agent activity figures by ticking the ‘Agent activity’ checkbox in the report generation dialog.

Set report options

Choose the dates you’d like to show trend data between, and we’ll include all the interactions you’ve had with potential buyers in that time. This gives vendors a clearly quantifiable representation of exactly how hard you’ve been working for them.

Example of agent activity

Those of you selling property that doesn’t generate a lot of buyer feedback (off-plan, vacant lots and other properties without inspections) will find this feature particularly useful. Likewise, if you deal with a large number of offshore or absentee owners, you’re likely to see big benefits. The lack of face-to-face meetings or buyer feedback can make it hard for vendors to realise just how much work goes into the process of selling real estate. Including activity information in your vendor reports gives your service transparency and provides your clients with some very valuable insight into all the hard work going on behind the scenes. More recent feedback updates:

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